What is Sea Moss? 

Sea moss is a type of edible seaweed. In some parts of the14,000world, people have been using sea moss for nearly years! Today, is typically harvested to make carrageenan, a thickening agent for smoothies, shakes, pudding, jellies, and soups, but can also be used to make remedies in the form of a tea or tincture. In its natural form, sea moss has many health benefits, containing nutrients which are absorbed from the sea: iodine, calcium, carbohydrates, zinc, manganese, and natural collagen. You can find sea moss in dried form, in powdered form (loose or in capsules),or blended with water to make a gel.


Dr. Sirius has expertly sourced ASTRO Organic Sea Moss (Eucheuma Cottonii) from the waters of St. Lucia in the Caribbean. It is an excellent natural source of essential minerals and helps boost your immune system and energy.


Sea moss is a great natural source of collagen, which strengthens your bones, hair, and nails, as well as chlorophyll, which helps improved red blood cell function, and anthocyanin for detoxifying and reducing inflammation. Since sea moss is also high in iodine, this superfood also helps ensure proper thyroid function.

  • Treat eczema
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Treat high blood pressure
  • Increase energy levels
  • Increase immunity levels
  • Treat chronic fatigue
  • syndrome Improve gut health
  • Regulate bowel system
  • Suppress appetite

More About the Benefits of Sea Moss

RESPIRATORY HEALTH: Sea moss can help treat respiratory conditions like bronchitis and asthma. This is due to the fact that it is rich in minerals like potassium, magnesium, and zinc, which all help all to reduce inflammation. Sea moss can also help thin mucus, which can further help relieve respiratory conditions. Since sea moss has so many antioxidant nutrients this superfood also helps to stimulate the immune system.

SKIN, BONE, HAIR, NAIL, & JOINT HEALTH: What can help dry skin, weak end bones & joints, hair loss, and thin, brittle nails? Collagen! It’s the most abundant protein in the human body. Sea moss is naturally high in collagen, strengthening your bones, hair, and nails, as well as improving your skin's hydration and elasticity. The combination of antioxidant and anti inflammatory properties naturally found in sea moss provides an effective remedy for joint pain and arthritis.

THYROID HEALTH: One of the the most important benefits of sea moss is its ability to help balance thyroid hormones. Thyroid disorders are typically caused by a lack of iodine and/or selenium. Your body needs iodine and selenium but cannot make these nutrients on its own—they have to be part of your diet in trace amounts, and with today’s modern diet, many people do not get enough. Sea moss is packed with more iodine and selenium than any other food on the planet!

BOOSTS METABOLISM: When your thyroid is functioning properly, you have more natural energy without needing caffine and other harmful stimulants. With 92 vitamins and minerals, sea moss is known as a "superfood" which improves metabolism and promotes good digestion. The iron content of sea moss facilities transport of oxygen to tissues to meet metabolic demands.

WEIGHT LOSS: Sea moss reduces the appetite due to it's ability to absorb moisture, increasing its volume so that you feel more full. The high fiber content of sea moss also means fewer cravings in between meals. Cravings, especially cravings for food that are high in salts & sugar are usually a sign that your body is lacking nutrition. With all the nutrients sea moss provides, it can be a great support for weight loss along with a better diet and a moderate amount of exercise.

DIGESTIVE SUPPORT: The gelatin like content of sea moss gel helps to ease nausea, heartburn and indigestion. Its high fiber content makes sea moss a great prebiotic, promoting better gut health by keeping digestion moving and soothing inflamed tissues within the intestinal tract, potentially providing relief from a host of intestinal disorders.

MENTAL & EMOTIONAL HEALTH: Believe it or not, a healthy gut leads to better mental health! The neurotransmitters that make you feel calm and happy are generated in the body’s digestive system. In addition, sea moss has a high amount of potassium. Because Potassium can’t be stored, we need an adequate supply from our food. A lack of it leads to anxiety, irritability, and depression. Potassium helps our body maintain healthy mental and emotional function.